Air Force
Just a few short years after the Wright brothers took off at Kitty Hawk, the original Aeronautical Division of the U.S. Army Signal Corps was born in 1907
Until 1955, the U.S. Army was the only armed
service without an official flag. Various battalions and corps often carried
their own streamers and flags...
Coast Guard
Marine Corps
The origins of the Coast Guard standard are very obscure. It may have evolved from an early flag also known as a Jack.
Established in November 1775 by the Continental Congress, the Marines have a rich history soaked in honor, tradition and brotherhood.
The U.S. Navy traces its roots back to Revolutionary War when the Continental Congress elected to arm two ships with carriage and swivel guns in order to stop the transport of supplies to the British Army.
Created in the early 1970s, the black flag features a gaunt, bowed silhouette in front of a watchtower, along with barbed wire and the words, “You are not forgotten.”